Sunday, November 28, 2010

Crochet by the Sea

I have read today our blogging friend Faith is taking a break... I will miss you and your blog, such a pleasure to have been able to read and post..
All the best Faith for the festive season.. and the coming year..
Crochet hugs pat in tas :))


- said...

I too noticed this and hope all will be fine with you Faith. Come and visit us all often. Thanks pattas for posting this!

Faith said...

Oh for heaven sake....I popped in to talk about Pointsetta's....Thank you sweet, and my heart has been touched again... As you know, the break didn't last long at all..I just missed you so much...and am so happy to be back with all of you. Are these beautiful flowers Orchids? They are so lovely. Speaking of flowers, the pointsetta's leaves are like crepe
paper..this is an amazing looking pointsetta..the beautiful Christmas Rose. Thank you for stopping by, I really do love when you again to you sweet friend.